TESTEX & other Swiss companies commit to 2030 goals


The Swiss textile sector has launched the Sustainable Textiles Switzerland (STS 2030) programme to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The programme has officially launched its implementation phase and aims to make a significant contribution to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the Swiss textile and clothing sector. TESTEX is one of the Swiss companies that has committed itself to the 2030 goals.

The actors commit themselves to implementing specific measures and measuring them annually. With STS 2030, Switzerland is taking on a pioneering role. The programme pools the forces of the Swiss textile and clothing sector by uniting actors along the entire value chain. The committed companies, institutions and organisations have set themselves shared targets: (1) a massive reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in the textile sector, (2) the promotion of fair wages and decent work along the entire value chain, (3) the promotion of innovative business models towards a circular economy, and (4) transparency to ensure that sustainable purchasing decisions can be made.

The Swiss textile sector has launched a programme to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The programme Sustainable Textiles Switzerland (STS 2030) has officially launched its implementation phase. The programme aims to make a significant contribution to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the Swiss textile and clothing sector.

Based on a roadmap, the companies, institutions, and organisations that commit to achieving the targets will implement and track specific measures year by year. One aspect of the programme is that the range of products and services offered by the companies and organisations will be aligned with the sustainability goals. On the other hand, a proactive information policy will promote more sustainable consumption, purchasing and use of textiles, according to a press release.

The STS 2030 programme was initiated by the three associations Swiss Textiles, Swiss Fair Trade and amfori. It has the backing of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), which are working hard to promote the programme as part of the steering group.

So far, the following actors have committed to the programme from the retail sector: Transa Backpacking AG, Coop, PKZ Burger-Kehl & Co, Migros, Rrrevolve and glore Schweiz GmbH; from textile production: E. Schellenberg Textildruck AG, Bächi Cord AG, Weseta Textil AG as well as the brands CALIDA, Mammut Sports Group AG, Balsiger Textil AG (with Lavie and Journey Living), the Holy Fashion Group (with JOOP!, Windsor and Strellson), Collectif mon Amour, the Blue Suit, and the textile service provider Testex. With the City of Zurich as a committed actor, a first important pioneer from the public sector, as a buyer of textiles for public procurement, has also committed to achieving the STS 2030 targets.

What unites the committed actors is the partnership focused approach of the programme and the possibility of achieving a large leverage effect together. The actors are also committed to assuming their social and environmental responsibility and contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Coop, for example, explained their rationale for making a commitment as follows, “It’s a partnership driven approach to advancing pressing sustainability issues along textile value chains with collaborative solutions.” Transa explained its commitment as follows, “From a self-image, we want to take responsibility and contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. STS 2030 supports us in joining forces with allies on the path towards a more sustainable economy.”

Fibre2Fashion News Desk (RR)


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