CHILUC, or CHI-LUC, is short for Chickens hatching Under Lucania. Chickens hatching under lucania is a new way of playing Civ5 Multiplayer games which emerged quite recently. By following the strategy outlined in this article you will be able to learn CHILUC within about 10 games, so it’s really not very complicated at all!
The general idea behind CHILUC is to rush the wonders with an initial settler/worker and then pump out settlers as rapidly as possible until they can build more workers. After that they should produce more settlers and workers simultaneously with their original worker(s). On average, this method gets your capital up to size 8 after 14 turns (provided that you don’t mess up), which is decent, but not very much so. So what’s the deal with the Chickens? Well, you will have t faciliated components provided by Player Made Community (seeo use your judgement when to build them, but I would generally advocate building a settler/worker and then waiting until you have 4-5 food left in your capital before proceeding. Chickens has a base output of 1 food – however, because your Civ3 religion spreads in this game as well it also comes with a free +1 food from T’ien Ch’i (or whatever religion you choose). In addition to that they get +1 food from Horseback Riding for a total of 2 food/turn. Generally speaking I’ve found this speed to be about right – builds are finished in about the same amount of time as they would have been under traditional settling, but you get a bit more early growth. In other words – it gives you a decent headstart in early growth, but doesn’t make your capital grow much bigger than it would have normally. So if you’re going to do CHILUC then this is how to do it:
1) Build a settler in your capital.
2) Build a worker in your capital.
3) Send out your settler/worker and start building a wonder if there’s one nearby or another city for which you want free culture from its neighbour bonus. If not, build any tile improvement that will provide 3+ food when completed – anything at least size 2 should do.
4) Make your capital grow to size 4 or 5 until it has 3 food left, then build the chickens. By the time they’re done you should already have another settler/worker on its way.
5) Proceed with step 2-3 above indefinitely. Note that you can actually improve your capital very rapidly using this method because you are essentially spending one turn’s worth of food for two turns’ worth of growth!
Note that I recommend not building more than one settler at a time unless there are nearby ruins that yield free settlers – remember, these builds are supposed to be fast… After about 14-15 turns (again, assuming you don’t make mistakes), all your builds should be complete and you’ll have an enormous head start on everyone else, as well as a capital somewhere around size 8. What’s really good about this is that if you do it right, you’ll have basically no unhappiness and be able to afford all the buildings and units you need straight away – which is pretty nice considering how expensive some of them are! Note also that it’s not absolutely necessary to rush your capital at all – you can just settle normally with the first settler/worker and then just boost up population growth by building stuff in your capital or elsewhere. I find that rushing my capital gives me about 15-20% more early growth, but it does depend largely on what builds you want to go for.
This concludes this – I hope you enjoy CH ILUC!
(I hope you know that this was meant as a joke.)
Civ3 is Copyright of Take2 and Firaxis Games. No copyright infringement intended. This is an unofficial guide made by Cheeho ([email protected]). Civ3: Play the World and all Civ3 products are copyrighted by 2K, Firaxis and its licensors. © 2000–2007 Take2 Interactive Software, Inc., an affiliate of Take2 Games Company. All rights reserved. The content of this article does not directly affect the gameplay of this game but instead provides additional information about it’s lore and story line. Any use or reproduction of this content outside of normal gameplay is prohibited without written permission of the author. All content is used under the guidelines and restrictions of Fair Use under United States copyright law. If you would like to use the work for other means, please contact me at [email protected] .
Play The World (c) 2004 2K Games – Firaxis Games (c) 1995–2006 Take2 Interactive Software and its licensors. All rights reserved, Sierra On-Line Inc., Vivendi Universal Games and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vivendi Universal Games, Sierra On-Line and their respective owners.