How to save a task as a template in ClickUp for a more efficient workflow


Jack Wallen shows how project management tools like ClickUp that make the job of creating efficient workflows easier.

Logo of ClickUp presented on a laptop screen.
Image: Wirestock Creators/Adobe Stock

Project management is all about creating efficient workflows that make it easier to keep those tasks moving forward. To do this, you need project management tools like ClickUp that make the job easier, not more complicated or convoluted.

Take, for instance, the process of creating a new task. This generally comes by way of creating a card for each task. Sometimes a card might be as simple as giving it a name and assigning it. Other times, creating a task card can be a complicated drawn-out process of adding everything you need to the card, assigning it to the right people, and doing everything you can to ensure that cards make someone’s job a bit easier.

If ClickUp is your project manager of choice, there’s one thing you can do that will simplify your job a bit. Say you have to create the same card over and over, with the same features and assignments. Now, let’s say each card takes you five minutes to create. If you’re creating that same card over and over throughout the day, your work week mostly consists of creating new task cards for a project.

SEE: Feature comparison: Time tracking software and systems (TechRepublic Premium)

With ClickUp, you could dramatically minimize the time you spend creating cards with task templates. What you can do is create a new task card, with all the bells and whistles you need, and then turn it into a template. Once the card is a template, you can reuse it over and over again to cut down the time you spend creating task cards.

Let me show you how this is done.

What you’ll need to create a task template in ClickUp

To make this work, you’ll need a valid ClickUp account and a project to work on. With those two things in hand, you’re ready to go.

How to create a task template in ClickUp

Log in to your ClickUp account, and navigate to the project you wish to work with. Once there, you should see the Task button at the bottom right corner (Figure A).

Figure A

The New Task button on a ClickUp project page.
The New Task button on a ClickUp project page.

When the task creation pop-up opens (Figure B), create your task exactly how you need it. Add it to a list; assign it to a member; give it a position in the list; add the necessary fields, subtasks, checklists, and attachments; set the priority and dates; add tags; and include task dependencies.

Figure B

Window pop up for the New Task button on ClickUp.
Window pop up for the New Task button on ClickUp.

Once the task card is exactly how you like it, click the Template icon, which is the second circle from the left of the eye icon at the bottom left side of the window. When you click that icon, a new pop-up will appear (Figure C).

Figure C

The Templates pop-up within a ClickUp task card. 
The Templates pop-up within a ClickUp task card.

From that list, click Save as Template, which will open a new pop-up (Figure D).

Figure D

The Save As Template pop-up is where you name and configure your ClickUp template.
The Save As Template pop-up is where you name and configure your ClickUp template.

Make sure to name the template and configure it exactly as needed. You can also make this template available for public usage, if you think it would be of value to another organization. After configuring the template, click Save, and you’re done.

How to use your new template

With the template created, all you have to do to use it is create a new task, click the Templates icon, select Load From Template and then select the template you just created (Figure E).

Figure E

Create the OS SELECT template in ClickUp and choose it or any number of other templates.
I just created the OS SELECT template in ClickUp and can choose it or any number of other templates.

There you go. You’ve just learned how to create a task template, so your work with ClickUp can be so much more efficient.

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