4 Tips To Pick Right Data Discovery Tools

4 Tips To Pick Right Data Discovery Tools

In the spectrum of corporations and organizations, there is massive data that needs to be stored in the right way. Sensitive data discovery is the need of the hour in today’s data driven environment.

Apart from maintaining data, businesses also need to focus on security of the sensitive data present within. There are storises of data getting leaked and breached everywhere. Data security is particularly the most crucial thing that needs to be adapted in the corporate environments. Talking about safety of data, what better than data discovery tools.

The tools for data discovery ensures systematic identification and management of company’s sensitive data. They help in scanning and location important across the organization.

Sensitive Data Discovery

The process of identifying and locating data that is sensitive and important for the organization is called sensitive data discovery. With data discovery a company ensures that the sensitive data is effectively secured or removed.

As you know, a huge amount of data is accessed and stored by organizations on a daily basis. Even after conducting proper data management and storage, sensitive data is often seen at unexpected places in the organization. And such unaaremness as well as lack of data security is what increases the potential risks. Sensitive data discovery is extremely essential for heavily audited organizations like healthcare, telecommunication, financial services etc.

automated data discovery, 

Data Discovery Tools

The world of standard and automated data discovery tools helps businesses to identify and locate their sensitive data efectly. There are many sensitive data discovery tools available in the market that are effective and cheap. Here are five tips to choose the right one.

  • Your chosen tool for data discovery must be capable of identifying sensitive data from a variety of data sources. This is one of the must have capabilities for data discovery tools. If the tool you are choosing is unable to differentiate between sensitive data and standard data, it is of no use.
  • Find a tool that supports industry specific sensitive data discovery. For industries like finance, healthcare etc there should be a fixed data discovery tool.
  • The data discovery solution should support classification of the data on the basis of data sensitivity, its vulnerabilities and risk profile.
  • The tool must also deliver an excellent and acceptable performance. Before you settle on one tool, ask yourself if it can parse a large volume of data within a reasonable time and resource? If the answer is yes, consider it a green flag and settle on that particular tool for data discovery.

All the above mentioned capabilities together is what makes a data discovery tool stand out. In today’s data centric business environment, sharing of data and its usage keeps on changing. Due to this, the need for tools and solutions that support effective management for all types of data is even more than before. It is the capabilities of senti tve data discovery systems and tools that make data compliance and security easy for organizations.

If you are also willing to upgrade the safety of your organization’s data then visit www.Secuvy.com for the best data discovery tools today.

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